Articles for tag: A story of plague, Box, Collection, collector39s, Concentrated entertainment, exclusive, Innocence, Physical edition, Plague, Requiem, Set, Steelbook, Tale


Requiem for a lost soul. Meet the Terminus team

Requiem for a lost soul. Meet the Terminus team

Expect in-depth communications direct from the Treyarch Zombies team, including a detailed gameplay overview, information on your pre-game preparation options, full details on Zombies turn-based gameplay, and an undead bestiary. Additional information: Stay informed. Don’t be misinformed Misinformation is everywhere: Stay up to date with the latest official BlackOps 6 For more information, be sure ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

A Plague Tale: Requiem: Apparently a sequel is in the works

A Plague Tale: Requiem: Apparently a sequel is in the works

Asobo Studios can’t complain, with A Plague Tail and the Microsoft Flight Simulator the developer has very solid stances on both. Now job advertisements point to a Plague Tail successor. Asobo Studios shouldn’t be short of work, after all, the new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 was only recently announced at the Xbox Showcase, which is ...

The Boss

How to enable 60 fps in A Plague Tale Requiem

How to enable 60 fps in A Plague Tale Requiem

It arrived at the end of 2022 and was one of the names most appreciated by players Since. A Plague Tale Requiem which once again set the bar very high for Asobo Studio while waiting for a sequel… or another title that follows in the footsteps of this saga. Now, despite the positive reviews, it ...


Requiem launches performance mode

Requiem launches performance mode

Asobo released a few hours ago the patch for A Plague Tale: Requiem which allows to choose the performance mode with 60 fps. asobo It was announced a few hours ago that A Plague Tale: Requiem now has a performance mode. The game released last October was released without this performance mode for which, like ...


Former Silicon Knights boss thinks Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem remaster would sell well

Former Silicon Knights boss thinks Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem remaster would sell well

21 years ago, Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem was released for the Nintendo GameCube. The game was developed by Silicon Knights and published by Nintendo. Silicon Knights is no more, but Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem is by no means forgotten. In fact, former Silicon Knights boss Denis Dyack, who was the game’s director and screenwriter, recently ...


Requiem and Stray as big winners

Tonight the Pégases 2023 took place, the awards ceremony for French video game productions. An evening that makes it possible to find well-known names but also to discover more discreet actors; equally deserved. And there are actually two studios that have pulled out of the game: Blue Twelve Studio and Asobo Studio ! The first ...