Articles for tag: applications, color, mobile, Neurosciences, News and Updates, perception, sees, simple, Spain, Test


will share the user’s personal data upon court order

will share the user’s personal data upon court order

In late August, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France on an arrest warrant for lack of moderation on Telegram. It has now been reported that the messaging app will share IP address and phone numbers users’ mobile phones if required by authorities. Telegram has been ranked as the number one app when it ...


These cheap augmented reality glasses use Android to run

These cheap augmented reality glasses use Android to run

Technology has evolved to the point where users have a huge number of options in terms of devices, both to do their work and to enjoy our free timeIn Europe there are quality options for all types of tasks. However, it is also possible to opt for other options such as augmented reality glasses. In ...


The 5 reasons I recommend that will change your life

The 5 reasons I recommend that will change your life

Houses in Europe have changed a lot in recent years. It is true that their size has not increased, at least in general, and especially in large cities. But many improvements have been made, many of them related to energy savings. We have even seen financial aid to change the elements that most penalize energy ...