Articles for tag: Llanos River, News and novelties, Spain, streaming platforms, Tic, true, Twitch, Viewers


Is it true that Twitch took viewers away?

Is it true that Twitch took viewers away?

Last weekend, Ibai once again made history with La Velada III, an event that broke all live internet streaming records; according to Twitch, the 3.4 million users connected at the same time have been exceeded, a peak that greatly exceeds the previous record of 3.35 million audience. But such a feat did not come without ...


exceeds 3.4 M connected users and collapses the platform

exceeds 3.4 M connected users and collapses the platform

Twitch is the streaming platform for gamers par excellence and in Europe, as in other countries, it is suffering a general decline with a ‘502 Bad Gateway’ connection error. Those who enjoy the Ibai party have lost their connection, but this is due to the record being broken again by the Spanish streamer this Saturday ...


to see the videos better without paying more

to see the videos better without paying more

Google started in the first months of this year with the tests of what is a great novelty for YouTube Premium subscribers in Europe. This is a new playback option: ‘1080p Premium’. The key factor is bitrate or ‘bitrate’, which is now tested by some users on Android and Google TV. This is intended to ...


the new subscription that has not yet arrived in Europe

the new subscription that has not yet arrived in Europe

There are more and more subscription services, and they are getting more and more expensive. Controversial changes like limiting Netflix accounts aren’t helping that perception among users, and it’s understandable that more and more people are considering closing one or two of the accounts they have opened. Amazon’s new one is designed to avoid that. ...


his new system is capable of irritating anyone

his new system is capable of irritating anyone

Soon HBO Max in Europe will simply be Max. In this way, the service wants to promote a new experience and thus get closer to Netflix. Today, one of its novelties is the new “captcha” system used for human identification when you log in to the account, but it has various methods that make it ...