Articles for tag: Android, mobile, Mobile applications, repair, simple, smartphones, stuff, ways


The 6 ways to repair it on your Android mobile in a simple way

The 6 ways to repair it on your Android mobile in a simple way

Smartphones are part of our daily life in Europe For two decades. Even before the iPhone is a mass consumption device like Nokia or Siemens has created intelligent hand devices. However, there was something that Apple's mobile changed, but not in its first generation. The iPhone popularized the idea of ​​applicationswhich are not very different ...


This will change the way you optimize the use of mobile

This will change the way you optimize the use of mobile

Samsung celebrated an event in San Francisco a few days ago in which the new Samsung Galaxy S25 presented, three mobiles that we have already been able to try and that, on paper, seem a fairly continuous version of the models from last year. As for the equipment, that's how it is, with minor changes ...


How to block spam calls on the Samsung telephone application

How to block spam calls on the Samsung telephone application

A few years ago Mobile manufacturers have integrated all kinds of their own essential applications in their smartphonesLike the calendar, contacts or the phone. In addition, Google has integrated its own, as well as others widely used in Europe, such as Google Maps or Gmail. The fact that these applications came as standard facilitated their ...


This curious Android option will instantly correspond to them

This curious Android option will instantly correspond to them

If there is something appreciated in Android, it is the large number of accessories to which users have access to our mobiles in Europe. These devices are not only able to improve the capacities of our device, such as battery, but can also make the experience with that much better. This is what is happening ...


Tips to use your mobile and maintain a real change

Tips to use your mobile and maintain a real change

One of the most common things that happen when the year is changing in Europe is that many people have set goals to try to achieve them the year. However, There are times that it is not easy to accomplish themAnd a study developed by Strava says that, on January 19, many people have already ...