Articles for tag: 30Year, Bungie, story, success


Bungie, a 30-year success story

Bungie, a 30-year success story

Bungie is without a doubt one of the big companies that can be found in the video game industry. And it is that, the American company is the creator of two titanic sagas as they are Halo Yes Destiny. However, before achieving the glamor and success of these titles, the company had truly humble beginnings. ...


Offers for Success Hunters!  December 30 to 7

Offers for Success Hunters! December 30 to 7

We return to the charge by saving the offers intended for the most successful in the house. As always, our guide and pastor MLGMakun He throws us a cable and leaves us a list of these most delicious offers. As always, at the end of this text we leave you a compilation video that you ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Borderlands 3: A real success story for 2K Games

Borderlands 3: A real success story for 2K Games

Borderlands 3 has turned out to be a real blockbuster for 2K Games. This is now suggested by new figures, some of which even make the title the most successful in the company’s history. Take-Two Interactive recently presented new business figures, and of course 2K Games is also part of the group. Above all, the ...