Articles for tag: Connor, Fortnite, pictures, Sarah, T800, Terminators, trailer


Fortnite Trailer – Terminators T-800 and Sarah Connor appear in pictures

Fortnite Trailer – Terminators T-800 and Sarah Connor appear in pictures

pendant Fortnite – Terminators T-800 and Sarah Connor show up in pictures Just a few hours ago we informed you of the expected arrival of a package dedicated to the Terminator movie saga in Fortnite after a leak occurred on the PlayStation Store. Today everything is formalized, and in video. The Predator is no longer ...


Predator, Sarah Connor and the T-800 fall over and are not (very) happy

Predator, Sarah Connor and the T-800 fall over and are not (very) happy

Yes, sometimes good things happen in life for someone who knows how to wait patiently. Fortnite is bringing the Predator outfit into the Battle Pass today (and since yesterday even), which is also very well known to the general public and “keeps coming back”. see also: PS5 black in check, Fortnite breaks the Twitch game, ...

The Boss

The Terminator T-800 and Sarah Connor also made it to Fortnite

The Terminator T-800 and Sarah Connor also made it to Fortnite

Yesterday, when we announce the arrival of the Predator and its challenges to Fortnite, we wonder what other popular culture characters might make it to the game’s ‘Zero Point’ season. The answer came fast. The T-800 and Sarah Connor, from the franchise Terminator, They are already in Fortnite. Sarah Connor’s outfit is based on Linda ...


The T-800 and Sarah Connor land in skins in Fortnite

The T-800 and Sarah Connor land in skins in Fortnite

We’ve just started 2021 and we’re already starting to see little glimpses of what’s to come in the video game industry, which is launching a new generation of hardware and technology that will bring us experiences never seen before. But it is clear that there are video games designed to withstand and adapt to the ...