Articles for tag: Apple, HomePod, patent, sticks, thinking, touch


Apple is thinking of a HomePod that sticks with patent touch

Apple is thinking of a HomePod that sticks with patent touch

According to a patent entitled "Cloth covered by an electronic device with a touch sensor" Apple would develop and test a HomePod that would be touch controls overseas. Apart from expanding the currently built screen, volume indicators and Siri index, this new patent may allow it to be completely removed. The best type of interaction ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Today's selection of articles from Kotaku's runaway community: 2019: Thinking of the Shonen Empire • Background Files: 2064 Read Memories Only • TAY Retro: Nintendo Game Boy

Today's choice of article departure KotakuStudent-led community: 2019: Thinking of the Shonen Empire • Background Files: 2064 Read Only Memories • TAA Retro: Nintendo Game Boy – Game Boy Launches Trading # 2 [TV Commercial, JP] You read TAY, Kotaku's community-run blog. TAY is written by Kotaku readers just like you. We write about sports, ...


Japan is already thinking about 6G by 2030

Not only that as we launch 2020, we have been told that 5G will be one of the most relevant technologies of this year with a host of compatible devices … already looking for a winner. As you can imagine, it will be 6G and even if it seems false, it can be much closer ...