Articles for tag: p.m, Stream, Twitch, Valorant, Xboxdynasty


Valorant: Meet your new agent Tejo

Valorant: Meet your new agent Tejo

Summary Welcome our newest agent Tejo, who joins our squad from Colombia. As part of the Initiator class, Tejo specializes in flushing out enemies with a unique kit consisting of information gathering, explosions, and a concussion. Anyone who has a strategic feel for the game and understands how the opponent plays will be able to ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Valorant: Online shooter switches to new engine

Valorant: Online shooter switches to new engine

Riot Games has announced that the successful online shooter Valorant will be leaving Unreal Engine 4 behind and switching to a new engine. Valorant is very popular and therefore wants to better position and prepare itself for the future. For this reason, developer Riot Games has now announced a change to the engine of the ...

The Boss

How to uninstall (completely) Valorant on your PC

How to uninstall (completely) Valorant on your PC

This game was originally released on PC and can only be played with a keyboard and mouse. However, for several months it has also been available on consoles. PlayStation 5 Yes Xbox Series S Yes Xbox Series play with a controller. Be a shooting gamethis has aim assist for those playing on console, and there ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Valorant: Online shooter switches to new engine

Valorant: How to play Vyse and what’s in patch 9.04

Fans of Riot Games are currently in for a treat. Tomorrow, August 28, 2024, not only will the patch for version 9.04 be released, which will bring numerous adjustments and improvements. With Vyse, there is also a new agent who can bend metal, which brings with it some exciting possibilities. Metalbending sounds like a cheap ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Valorant: Online shooter switches to new engine

Valorant: New agent Vyse starts next week

With Act II in Episode 9, Valorant will get a new agent next week: Vyse. Riot Games has confirmed that the new agent named Vyse will be part of the online shooter Valorant starting next week. With Episode 9 Act II, Vyse will be playable in the title from August 28, 2024. Vyse is a ...


These are the Valorant subscription benefits

These are the Valorant subscription benefits

Valorant is now free to play for everyone, but the Xbox Game Pass gives you some in-game benefits. After Valorant was able to generate a huge fan base on PC, the game is now also available for free on consoles. However, if you also subscribe to Xbox Game Pass, you will receive some in-game benefits ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Valorant: Online shooter switches to new engine

Valorant: Surprise: The console version is here!

The unexpected often happens: The console version of the online shooter Valorant was released just in time for the weekend. After League of Legends, Riot Games has also hit the jackpot with Valorant on the PC. It has been clear for some time that the online shooter would also be released for consoles; after a ...