Articles for tag: balancing, Buffs, CEO39s, Helldivers, latest, means, patch, players, polarized, response, view, Warbond, Weapons

The Boss

Helldivers 2 CEO's view on the latest patch of Warbond weapons balancing response to polarized players: “This is by no means all or all buffs.”

Helldivers 2 CEO's view on the latest patch of Warbond weapons balancing response to polarized players: “This is by no means all or all buffs.”

The debate about Buffs and Nerfs is back on the menu of the Helldivers 2 community, as you're expecting regular courses, which is a regular course – some fresh weapon balance tweaks with yesterday's patch. Like this, a senior figure at Arrowhead has been talking to players about their ideas about change, and CEO Shams ...

The Boss

Servants of Freedom Warbond launches on February 6 – iGamesNews

Servants of Freedom Warbond launches on February 6 – iGamesNews

Let's be honest, Helldivers: Super Earth is worth it. No matter what “it's”. All Helldivers share this belief, and fanatic loyalty is expected of all the citizens of Super Earth. But the Helldivers must demonstrate their allegiance. They need to resemble the democratic disciples that they are inside, and the only way to show it ...

The Boss

Need more firepower to take on Helldivers 2’s Illuminate? Well, urban legend Warbond includes a flamethrower turret that can burn everything to death – including you

Need more firepower to take on Helldivers 2’s Illuminate? Well, urban legend Warbond includes a flamethrower turret that can burn everything to death – including you

After yesterday's major update, Hellraiser 2 developer Arrowhead has not yet completed the update. It has just deployed a new War Contract for players dealing with the new light threat in Omen of Tyranny. Highlights in terms of equipment? Well, a big new flamethrower, and a big pointed stun baton. In case you missed it, ...

The Boss

Helldivers 2’s new Doubt Killer armor has sparked a wave of questions about whether players are willing to pay almost the price of an entire Warbond set for a Superstore set

Helldivers 2’s new Doubt Killer armor has sparked a wave of questions about whether players are willing to pay almost the price of an entire Warbond set for a Superstore set

Helldivers 2’s newest Warbond, the Truth Enforcer, arrived in the game earlier today, and it looks like it’s the armor set that dropped via supermarkets after it, arguably attracting more players’ attention. Some of this is for good reason, as it looks good, but it also makes a lot of people question whether they should ...

The Boss

Helldivers 2 players seem to be happy with Arrowhead’s first attempt at sticking with strategy in Warbond, provided there’s a constant supply of free fire

Helldivers 2 players seem to be happy with Arrowhead’s first attempt at sticking with strategy in Warbond, provided there’s a constant supply of free fire

Yesterday, Hellraiser 2 developer Arrowhead revealed the next War Bond coming to the game – Chem-Agent, which is expected to make a splash when it releases on September 19th. The latest Warbond includes a couple of strategic variants – the TX-41 Sterilizer and the AX/TX-13 “Guardian” Dog Breath – and this is the first time ...

When will Polar Patriots Warbond from Helldivers 2 be released?

When will Polar Patriots Warbond from Helldivers 2 be released?

Polar patriots is the third premium war bond for Helldivers 2following Democratic Detonation and Cutting Edge Warbonds, which were released in April and March respectively. Helldivers 2 is currently in turmoil as a controversial account linking requirement for Steam players was announced and almost immediately revoked. Nevertheless, the war must continue. As of this writing, ...