Articles for tag: David, Exposed, immediately, Leaving, PlayStation, Royal, Shuhei, Sony, Swery, Yoshida


Shuhei Yoshida acknowledges that he hid his opinion to Shigeru Miyamoto after trying Star Fox Zero and believes that he did the same with Horizon Zero Dawn

Shuhei Yoshida acknowledges that he hid his opinion to Shigeru Miyamoto after trying Star Fox Zero and believes that he did the same with Horizon Zero Dawn

You know that Star Fox is one of Nintendo's most popular franchises, although it is somewhat forgotten by the company. Today we get news at least interesting for their fans. According to what is shared, it seems that Star Fox Zero is news again thanks to some recent declarations. You already know that this game ...

The Boss

After leaving PlayStation, Shuhei Yoshida played a green duck in a game where Kazuma Kiryu helped “a living finger solve many of her anger issues”

After leaving PlayStation, Shuhei Yoshida played a green duck in a game where Kazuma Kiryu helped “a living finger solve many of her anger issues”

After about 30 years at PlayStation, what will you do immediately after leaving PlayStation? Well, if you were Shuhei Yoshida, you'd sign up for your first voice acting role, playing a green duck in a mascot game that's mostly about the not-quite Kazuma Kiryu helping “a living fingers to resolve many of her anger issues.” ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

22 PlayStation games recommended by Shuhei Yoshida

22 PlayStation games recommended by Shuhei Yoshida

Shuhei Yoshida first joined Sony in 1993, before the first PlayStation was released. Now, more than three decades later, he's saying goodbye, having helped launch dozens of legendary games and bringing many, many more to the platform from developers big and small around the world. His parting gift to PS5 and PS4 players is a ...


Ryosuke Yoshida, director of Visions of Mana, joins Square Enix

Ryosuke Yoshida, director of Visions of Mana, joins Square Enix

Surely you remember the official announcement of Visions of Mana. Unfortunately, Nintendo Switch was not among the target platforms, and Square Enix explained why a few months ago. Although the series has been on Nintendo platforms, we have not received it for now. However, we are getting interesting news about the title and its franchise ...

The Boss

Turn-based? Pixel art?Whatever Final Fantasy 17 looks like, Naoki Yoshida thinks someone else should make it

Turn-based? Pixel art?Whatever Final Fantasy 17 looks like, Naoki Yoshida thinks someone else should make it

Don’t expect final fantasy 14 and 16 Producer Naoki Yoshida will return with No. 17 because he believes a younger team should take over. Yoshida (affectionately known as Yoshi-P to fans) recently discussed a range of topics with former Sony Interactive Entertainment president Shuhei Yoshida on the AIAS Game Maker’s Notebook podcast, including whether the ...