Articles for tag: Division, information, reveals, Season, Zombies


The phone will close in Zombies mode soon

The phone will close in Zombies mode soon

Last year it came to Android devices Call of Duty: Mobile, one of the most successful mobile games of all time, and recently it has reached 150 million downloads. It has now been announced that the popular activation function, last year was able to win a prize for the best mobile title Android users, will ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Call of Duty: Zombies boss leaves developer Treyarch

Call of Duty: Zombies boss leaves developer Treyarch

Even if such is missing in the current Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, the zombies mode is one of the most popular modes within the shooter series. In the future, however, he will have to do without one of the most prominent supporters. <a href = "" data-title = "Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII ...


El creador de los Zombies de Call of Duty leaves Treyarch

El creador de los Zombies de Call of Duty leaves Treyarch

El modo Zombies de Call of Duty es, sin duda, you can populares entre los jugadores, per que fuera de la Response de deseente de la Route Ops 4 y co-líder de Treyarch does not leave el estudio de desarrollo. Describe the trabajo en esta modalidad como algo in the especial, and the pastoral comoidad ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Call of Duty Zombies director retires from Treyarch

Call of Duty Zombies director retires from Treyarch

After 13 years working for Treyarch as principal director of Call of Duty Zombies for the Black Ops series, Jason Blundell has decided to withdraw from the studio. The most recent work that the director has done has been in Black Ops 4 where players have received several updates with improvements in the modality. Blundell ...