Resident Evil Village, is the latest installment from one of the most recognized franchises in the video game world. After a few highly criticized deliveries by fans, the Capcom saga has managed to come back in style thanks to award-winning titles like resident Evil 2: redo O Resident Evil 7.
After this good job, the company decided to continue on its way, keeping things very clear. Resident Evil Village. Put aside the classic third-person view of the saga to opt for a first-person camera again. Something that has happened before in the seventh installment of the Numbered Saga.
In fact, we will have some well-known characters in this new adventure. First-person action in Resident Evil Village begins when the players assume the role of a haunted and broken Ethan. As you seek to uncover the mysterious new horrors plaguing a once peaceful city
Throughout this terrifying journey, players will fight for every breath while being hunted down by fierce new enemies. Who infested a snowy place. Channel the capabilities of the new generation of consoles, the detailed realism and the relentless sense of fear will increase with each desperate battle for survival.
Although we haven’t seen too many yet, the team at Capcom and Koch Mediathey want to quote us on January 21 to see all his news. We leave you here a first glimpse of what is to come.