Telegram was recently updated adding, as Twitter has already introduced its spaces, audio rooms following the original idea that appeared with the application Flag. They work both in the channels and in the public and private groups of the service, so let’s see how they work and how we can use them from the iPhone.
Telegram audio chats mature to host chats
Open Telegram on your iPhone and enter any group you are a part of (it must be a conversation of three or more people). In it, tap on their title to access their profile and press the ellipsis button
You will see that when you touch the option to start the chat, if you are the owner of the group
After this point, the chat room will start. He won’t do it with everyone in the group, only with you. You can invite other members to join, or they can request to join through a notification that will appear on their screen.
Like at the Clubhouse, before speaking you need to press the button to activate the microphone
These types of audio chats in the form of virtual rooms have sparked some interest in the Clubhouse app, showing that they can be effective for manage a large group of people to facilitate and present a discussion. Regardless of what happens to the original promoters of the idea, it’s not bad that Telegram implemented it even for broadcast channels.
Remember that to use these new audio rooms you must have the latest version of Telegram. Make sure you have updated it before trying it.