Missile leagueis next season, season 3 (Actually the 17th season, but it’s the third since the free game) on April 7th. In May, Psyonix will include Formula 1 and NASCAR as license partners. From Wednesday, cars that match the redesigned stadium players will be given a week.
Right off the bat, Season 3 Rocket Pass features a new vehicle, Tyranno, a muscle car chassis that uses the Dominus hitbox (as many vehicles as possible) Missile league do). A full reveal of the pass for season 3 comes next week, Psyonix said.
The new arena is a redesigned DFH Stadium called DFH Stadium (Circuit) which now includes a track, “and all pageants found on the track during a championship Sunday”. Players will find DFH Stadium (Circuit) in the occasional and competitive playlists. It will be available for private games and free play once the third season begins.
A game update will be received on Tuesday, April 6th at 4pm PDT Missile league ready for season 3; Season 2 Contest Rewards will be granted shortly after Season 3 starts, and the new Contest Season and its rewards will begin as well.