If your dream is to fly space into a virtual space, then There is no human skyThe latest update is complete. The regeneration adds an entirely different ship to the game called Living Ship. These are naturally made creatures that happen to be able to carry you through space. Patch 2.3 also adds on new journeys, new NPC models, and several game-life changes.
Players will get to raise the Living Ship from scratch by visiting Space Anomaly and collecting their own Void Egg. This Eid Egg will eventually pull and grow into their own Living Ship. The patch also adds a new series of missions, aptly named Starbirth, that will illuminate the origins of the air-conditioned cruise ships.
As well as a new way to travel in space, there are now Space NPCs to praise you as you fly in the stars. According to the patch notes they are often the sellers who want to show you their goods, but they may also need help or are looking for war.
The pool also adds new Space Encounters, which can lead to new discoveries, and dangerous new lives.
Looking at all the extras inside There is no human sky patch 2.3 you can find full notes below.
No Sky patch 2.3 man notes
Ships of Life
- Introducing the new star style, Living Ship.
- These ships have their own special category of organic technology and cannot be renewed in standard ways.
- Adjust your playstyle to the limits and benefits of these organic techs, or take a look and adjust to new process improvements to maximize your custom ship.
On the go
- Focus your Void Egg and le arn about the origins of Living Ships through the new mission chain, Starbirth.
- Completing that tour will add a Void Egg to your system-created Living Ship.
- Additional vessels may be trapped in embedded eggs later.
Space Encounter
- While using the Pulse Engine to fly between planets, there is a chance to encounter strange objects in space.
- Take off on the flight to begin the encounter.
- A large range of unknowns and exotic rewards awaits…
- Different combinations have different probabilities that occur based on the characteristics of the solar system.
Merchant Arrivals
- As well as unusual items, players can encounter passing merchant ships.
- This will praise the player while using Pulse Engine and may require help, trade offers, and more …
Quality of Life
- If players are in a group but do not have a Nexus policy in use, then from Space Anomaly they can now opt out of the program of any other player in their group.
- Many issues have been resolved that have caused the charts of the planet and others to choose from a very narrow range of structures. Players should no longer be sent to the same building multiple times when using multiple charts.
- Fixed an issue that caused stress indications to sometimes lead to a shipwreck with no shipwreck.
- Added a quick split button to allow players to quickly split things in between.
- Players can now hold buttons down to increase or decrease stack size, rather than pressing it often.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Inactive Call Center from being activated.
- Improved Exocraft Call Channel width, to allow Exocraft to be called from anywhere in the program.
- The planets you discovered no longer need to be released again to see its resources from space.
- Fixed an issue that caused the emergence of planetary sources to increase while pulling away from the planet.
- Fixed an issue that was making it difficult to get into Space stations from tight angles.
- Stars are allowed to fly back during space flight if attached to another geometry.
- The default Launch System Recharger is now active while the player is sitting in the cockpit, when the ship arrives.
- Improved VR Swimming Configuration for VR devices using icons.
- Highly maximized the distance players can move the camera to Photo Mode.
- Introducing a significant amount of GPU importance to global distribution.
- Introducing a significant amount of land fertility.
- A significant amount of memory was introduced.
- Introduced a temporary fix for a small load.
- Introduced minor modifications and visual fixes in cloud rendering.
- Intensive PSVR water supply has been introduced.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused Proximity switches to run an empty Exocraft.
- Fixed a problem that prevented decals from working when customizing Exocraft.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Analys Visor UI to fail in VR.
- Many issues have been resolved that make it difficult to intervene in the center of the galaxy.
- Fixed an issue that caused the number of killers to be reused for the final Armourer goal when players entered the building during the battle.
- Fixed an issue that caused Carbon Manufacturers to be unavailable for purchase.
- Building style management from Nexus will correctly mark your desired build location when players leave the planet in the middle.
- Fixed a number of issues that prevented items from being downloaded or installed in Storage Containers.
- Fixed a problem where the pirates would occasionally ask for incorrect prices when peace negotiations were made.
- Fixed an issue that would have prevented the special features of the Artemis system agreement from operating if left in a working condition.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a shipwreck to be placed under a landing pump when loading the game.
- Fixed an issue that caused the filter icons to be correctly redirected to the Galaxy Map.
- Fixed an abnormal crashes that can occur when switching to a base after using Portal.
- Fixed a bug that allows Nexus trips to be redirected from the equipment log.
- Fixed a number of issues that could have caused Nexus to go on the wrong selection of star systems.
- Fixed a problem that could cause Nexus on the go to send players to the wrong building.
- Fixed a specific issue that could occasionally cause Refiner's personal resources to render to the first person.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Person Restorer to stop animation when the scan finished.
- Fixed an issue that caused the names of unknown planets to be exposed to their moons.
- Improved the position of the HUD symbols in the Analysis Visor UI.
- Improved VR UI layout.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the ship to crash.
- Fixed some minor text issues on the objectives of the peace and directory.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the filters to work correctly in Space Station, Space Anomaly, frigates and luggage.
- Fixed an issue that made Space Anomaly more green when using HDR.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the handling of VR ejects in the ship's cockpits from flashing when the player first entered the ship.
- Fixed a rare problem that allowed players to provide weapons to Space Anomaly.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Solar panels from playing their sound.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the torchlight to slow down while traveling.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a recent interaction to be re-used shortly after uploading.
- Fixed an issue that caused the seemingly empty black dialog box when we left the planet's Technical Dealer.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nutrient processor inventory to be incorrectly written.
- Updating the Bytebeat Cable view is therefore unique to the Table Case.
- Fixed an issue with the Bytebeat switchch that triggered the release of On Arpeggio Note when the arpeggio is not playing.
- Fixed an issue with the Bytebeat switchch that caused the note colors to be reset.
- Fixed a problem with the Bytebeat switchch that caused it to cause it to send inactive components to Synchroniser.
- Fixed an issue with Bytebeat which caused the view to be out of sync when editing the tempo.
- Small arrows were corrected when scanning the Bytebeat UI.
- Fixed an issue that caused pirate probes to always fail when Pulse Engine was running.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Pulse Engine lesson to occur incorrectly during the battle.
- It was corrected by the poor performance of the text on a standing salary, when the rewards standing when the Mercenary and Explorers Guild were unevenly distributed.
- Fixed an issue that would have caused the Exploratory Study to continue before the player read the Testing Agency.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Show HUD binding from operating the PC keyboard control when testing the ship.
- Fixed an issue that caused many parts of the build to go unnoticed at the start of the Creative Mode game, including industrial Silos.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Black Holes not to put on warp players if they were somehow close to their feet.