game news With a rating of 17/20, this superhero video game is half price on Steam!
Steam knows how to be generous with promotions, even for the latest games. Such is the case of this superhero game that was born a few months ago!
If you like superheroes, comics and movies, you surely know Marvel’s Midnight Suns! Developed by Firaxis game
In this tactical RPG, MCU heroes must defeat the demonic forces of the underworld. With a 17/20 on JV, Marvel’s Midnight Suns shone with its dynamic tactics and accessibility, its varied superhero catalogue, its spectacular combat animations and its sound scenario and atmosphere full of fan service and humor “galore”. A dense adventure for Marvel fans who will have the pleasure of discovering heroes, but not only! This title is also aimed at an audience not used to tactics without losing the challenge with complex mechanics.
Also read:
Marvel’s Midnight Suns for $29.99 instead of $59.99 (-50%)
- Buy Marvel’s Midnight Suns for $29.99 (-50%) on Steam
Marvel’s Midnight Suns was released just a few months ago and enjoys regular promotions. Yes, thanks to this promotion, this title is now available less than 30$