If you've been on social media lately, you probably will heard rumors about a supposed secret in Crossing the Animals: New Horizons – or at least kind of it. Known as an “airport tactic,” this route should ensure that you get an unusual island tour when flying in the airport.
The specifications of the airport vary from person to person, depending on what I've seen in the viral posts on Twitter and TikTok. The first type of deception plan I've heard is that you need to go to your airport and clap your hands until Orville "bounces." One of those rumors says that Orville should be on his computer when you log in. The third type says that the tool you are traveling with will determine what kind of island you have – for example, if you go in with a shovel and make Orville feel bad, he should take you to rock Island. (Irrigation can be for hybrid flowers, nets for rare bugs, fishing rod for better fish, and so on.) A fourth
All of this may be true, but here's what I can say based on some experiments. I tried the trick for three days in a row, eight times, and found a special island only once – rock money. The rest of the time, I found a regular island with my native fruits and some rocks, or something worse, like a garbage island. I did get a starter island once, though that is not special. Two Polygon employees have tried many times with me, and found regular islands all the time. At times, it was difficult to get Orville to do anything other than stomp or stare. Ask my followers on Twitter, and half of my answers said it didn't work. Another part said that it only works for them “sometimes,” or only once. Searching Twitter for an “airport planner” tells me so total number of others trying; some got a good deal, while others were wasting their Nook Miles ticket.
So, what happened? Why do these rumors get such a deduction when it seems to work only for a certain period of time, for some people, and for asterisks or under completely different circumstances? My guess is this: With millions of people playing Crossing the Animals: New Horizons
The airport plan feels almost irresistible mainly due to the variety of routes available, including one that says the strategy only enhances your creativity opportunities and I don't guarantee it. That leaves room for computers that allow rumors to escalate regardless of the truth – if you didn't find it, it might still be legal! Just keep trying!
It also doesn't help that Animal Crossing is officially full of little machines that don't speak or explain, which makes it easy to believe that a game can contain something like this. Also, Orville's reaction almost seems to be true – why would he react otherwise? The truth, of course, is that Animal Crossing includes a lot of minute details that you won't see. It's no surprise that Nintendo posted a special Orville photo of the few people who treated him.
But even if all this is not real, one thing is for sure: Orville deserves to be celebrated, and for that reason alone, he should applaud.
Resolution: An earlier version of this story confused the dodos Orville and Wilbur. But Wilbur should find your love, too.
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