Finally, we know the release date of season 4 of Rick and Morty, a series with a lot of personality. He showed it from the first bars with a clear inspiration in movies like Back to the Future and his biting humor. Despite all of Rick's follies, fans know he hides something deeper. Time travel, other dimensions, and alternate universes pose so many possibilities that escape us, but fans have quite plausible theories like the one we are explaining to you today. Have you ever thought that Rick and Morty could be the same person? An elaborate fan theory opines on this possibility.
Reddit user LukeMGH has shared a fairly popular theory suggesting that Rick and Morty are the same person rather than grandfather and grandson as featured in the series. That is to say, Rick is Morty as an adult because the first one is caught in a time loop. In the words of this follower, Rick constantly suffers because he's caught in a loop. He knows that at some point he needs to guide his Morty to become Rick ». According to this, the character knows the end of his story because he has lived it many times, so he enjoys his life to the fullest. In consecuense, Evil Morty would be the Morty who he found out the whole truth and did not accept it ». The only way to break free from being Rick in the future is to become evil.
"Rick Sanchez" is a made up name. Rick is actually a full grown Morty and knows he is gonna cease to exist at some poing and his Morty will become a Rick. desde FanTheories
This theory would explain the phrase that always says in the language of the Birdmen that means: "I am in great pain, please help me" (wubba lubba dub dub). And it could be related to the pain of existence as the Meeseeks understand it, creatures created for a purpose in life and when they fulfill it, they disappear. In several appearances they make them think that their existence is hell because the longer they stay alive, the crazier they become. Two days is an eternity for these beings. Do you think this is all related to Rick's pain? Make your own conclusions.
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