Fire Emblem Engage It’s been a few days with us. Therefore, today we bring you a list with five characters which we advise against having in your team, either because they are too weak or because there are better alternatives in history. If you’re ready, let’s go.
Vander: This is a very powerful unit at first, but it stagnates after the first few chapters, only being useful when next to Alear and nothing else.
Before: His existence doesn’t make much sense when you can recruit Jean into the game, who outplays him in absolutely any scenario. It also becomes poor at healing compared to Citrinne.
In effect: Not a bad archer, but she becomes superfluous once we have Alcryst and Fogado in our battalion, who are better.
Boucheron: He knows how to use the axe, but once you have Timerra in your team, he loses all meaning as a unit in your battalion.
Anne: A rather weak character compared to the rest. Although he uses an axe, which is always appreciated, you’ll only want one on your team for the extra gold he offers when taking down enemy units.
What do you think? What would you add to this infamous list? Feel free to leave it in the comments.
Via: Siliconera