Apple responds to Facebook and defends users


Yesterday, we were talking about the curious initiative of Mark Zuckerberg’s company which decided to put a full page “advertisement” in the mainstream press to spread a series of accusations about anti-tracking systems. iOS and macOS and how these affect, according to Facebook, small business ads.

The reality is very different and we have spoken to you here with a little objectivity. However, Apple has decided to face the accusations from Facebook and is clearly positioning itself in favor of users, Is it possible that this will end up becoming an open war between the two companies?

Apple’s response which appeared today in his official statement is the following:

We think it’s just about standing up for our users. Users should know when their data is being collected and shared with other apps and websites, and they should be given the option to allow or not.

The transparency of app tracking in iOS 14 doesn’t force Facebook to change its approach to tracking users and creating targeted ads, it just requires that they give users the ability to choose.

Associated article:

Facebook’s shamelessness and its attack on Appleq

All paraphernalia Facebook it is based on the fact that they consider the obligation to require express consent for information tracking to be something that will negatively affect advertisers, and therefore their business. What is evident is that these tracking limitations are not impossible, but it will be the user who decides whether or not Facebook offers content valuable enough to protect their privacy on a silver platter. At the end of the day, Apple just wants you to know and decide, while Facebook intends to keep treating you like a jerk, After all, who do you want to manage your own privacy?



I started playing Xbox a lot thanks to Call of Duty online. Since then I haven't stopped playing competitive online.

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