EU law that can endanger the App Store comes into force

European Commission

just entered into force a law enacted and approved by the EU. It can allow Apple users to download apps from third-party stores on iPhone and iPad. This would mean that the App Store could be in danger, especially now that they have decided from California to increase the prices of services and applications. You might think that being a law enacted in Europe, it doesn’t affect the United States, but it’s not like that, since Apple’s market in the old continent is overwhelming and it’s not not to contradict the rules imposed by Parliament, but rather to tell him to the obligation to unify the charger.

The new rules come into force they could de facto force Apple to do several things. Like, for example, allowing sideloading of apps on iPhone and iPad. This is done for a specific purpose. For Europe, it is important that the digital sector is fairer and more competitive. It is believed that it will be achieved in this way.

App Store Price 2021

The new law, which you can download from this link, mentions that the rules must be followed by tech giants that meet a series of criteria that may end up defining the aforementioned company as “Guardian“. In this case, they will have the obligation to extend their various services and platforms to other companies and developers. Apple meets the requirements to be defined in this way, in particular because of the importance of its annual turnover on the old continent.

This would not only mean that the App Store would have to change, but that other services, as has already been said, would also change. We’re talking about changes to iMessage, FaceTime, and Siri. In addition to opening up the App Store to other developers and markets, it might need to give developers the ability to interact closely with Apple’s own services. Promote your offers outside of the App Store. And use third-party payment systems. As well as accessing data collected by Apple.

We’ll see how Apple responds. You are certainly not satisfied with the new law and she will do her best not to be called a “guardian”.



I started playing Xbox a lot thanks to Call of Duty online. Since then I haven't stopped playing competitive online.

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