The tale of Arthas Menethil and his journey to the dreaded Lich King has been retold throughout Warcraft mythos, but next Hearthstone Expansion still goes on. March of the Lich King is an upcoming expansion This includes 145 brand new cards, a new minion type, a new keyword, and a new class – the death knight. It will be launched on December 6th.
March of the Lich KingThe story of revolves around the blood elves – decimated by the Scourge during the rise of Arthas – fighting back against the Scourge. There’s even a neutral Legendary spell, the Sunwell, to help repel the advance of the undead. A new keyword, Manahirst, will also appear on some maps. Manathirst cards have additional powers that activate when players have collected enough mana crystals without expending the mana, which can make Blood Elf decks particularly powerful with careful planning.
Repelling the undead armies and the new class will not be easy for our elves; Death Knights have a brand new rune system to bolster their decks with Blood, Frost, and Unholy abilities. Death Knights also work alongside new undead minions, which include a variety of new creatures as well as tons of old minions from previous expansions. The Reborn mechanic originally introduced in the 2019 expansion Savior of Uldumis now evergreen and will appear in March of the Lich King.
HearthstoneThe first new class of was the demon hunter in the 2020s ashes of Outland Extension. Similar to Demon Hunter, players can unlock the Death Knight and a starting deck by playing through a short campaign. To set the mood, Blizzard will also be releasing cards from the on November 1st Knights of the Frozen Throne Expansion temporarily free for all players and add it back to the default rotation.