The digital card games They have a special place on my list of considerations. They are casual, relaxing and fun, their games last a few minutes and can be played from the iPhone and especially from the iPad. Apple tablets are the perfect board for playing titles like Hearthstone.
That is why I consider it interesting Cards' future arrival on iOS, a free card game that has been appearing well on Windows since it launched in 2017 and has been released without any problems. for two weeks. What seems to me most interesting is that this time we are moving from points, spells, dragons and heroes: Cards set to World War II.
The wars of the last 80 years on our devices
In games we can choose between a few battlefield powers, such as Japan, Germany's Germany, the United Kingdom or the United States. Each will have its own unique benefits with units and so-called orders they must be played on the battlefield board
Cards are currently free, but somehow or otherwise they will have to present some additional payment benefit to be able to establish themselves as a business. So if iOS and iPadOS apps were free, I wouldn't be surprised to see card purchases or access to official paid deals. Anyway, the Cards look really good and have a lot of numbers to put on my iPad as soon as they come out.