Tim Cook assures that Apple’s generative AI will “innovate”

Tim Cook at Apple Park

Apple never talks about artificial intelligence as such but has its own terms to designate this technology: deep learning, machine learning, etc. However, generative AI is gaining more and more ground thanks to other companies like Google and OpenAI, which are moving Apple and putting all its efforts into action. It is clear that iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 will be the most powerful operating systems when it comes to AI and this is what Tim Cook has defended

in one of his last interviews where he assures that the Apple’s generative AI “this will open new avenues.”

2024 will be the year of Apple’s generative AI, as Tim Cook anticipates

We’ve been behind iOS 18 for a long time and are looking forward to WWDC24, when Tim Cook and his team will release all the new operating system news for the new year. We know that iOS 18 This will be the biggest update in history, as analyst Mark Gurman has repeatedly assured, and we also know that Apple’s million-dollar investments in artificial intelligence

will bear fruit in this WWDC24.

Generative AI iOS 18

Related article:

What AI features will be available in iOS 18?

A few days ago, Tim Cook led a new shareholder meeting where he had the honor of speaking and sending a strong message about the future of Apple. He assured that thinks Apple’s generative AI will “innovate” in the year 2024. These comments are a bit outside of the measured interventions that Cook always usually makes on the future of his company and raise expectations about the AI ​​​​features that will reach the operating systems of the Big Apple.

There are many unknowns. Many analysts believe that these AI functions will be focused on software but these models of More advanced iPhones will benefit from their hardware to have premium features. We are of course talking about the iPhone 15 Pro and the upcoming iPhone 16 Pro which could have specific hardware to run AI services on the device itself and not depend on Apple’s network.



I started playing Xbox a lot thanks to Call of Duty online. Since then I haven't stopped playing competitive online.

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