By default Siri responds to all our requests out loudIn this way we are able to observe other tasks while Siri responds. However, sometimes, without any previous notice, we realize that Siri hasn't released any audio, we hear some sounds on our iPhone or iPad but Siri, even though he responds to the screen with the right information, doesn't seem to say a word. Quiet, and aphonia, we have a few things we can use to get the word back to Siri.
The volume of Siri
The most common reason we can hear Siri's answers is because lower the volume, because it's something that can't be noticed
We activate Siri and ask her to tell us a joke.
While Siri responds we increase the capacity of our device with the corresponding button.
Usually, we hear Siri's voice slowly rising. Keep in mind that when Siri finishes talking or before the volume adjustment starts, it doesn't work. This is why we ask for a joke, because the frequency is long.
Voice answers
The only second reason Siri is responding to us is apparently in our device settings we can tell you to do so. Let's review this configuration, if so. We will:
On our iPhone or iPad
- We open the app Settings on our iPhone or iPad.
- We're in Siri and Search.
- We play inside Answers are Words.
Here we find three options. By default the option It always does They should be marked, although we may choose according to our own preferences.
- This is done by: Siri always gives us voice answers, even when silent and silent.
- Manage with peace setting: Siri will mute the voice response when it is muted. We will continue to hear voice responses when using "Hey Siri" or when the phone is connected to a Bluetooth speaker or headphones.
- Hands free: Siri will only answer it out loud when we use "Hey Siri" or when the phone is connected to a Bluetooth speaker or headphones.
On our Mac
- In the Apple menu () we select it System Preferences …
- We're in Confidentiality.
- In the section Voice Answers: we choose It worked.
Unlike our iPhone or iPad, Siri is inside The Mac has only two options, to hear the answers of our helper to choose It worked.
And that's easy, when we realize at the same time that Siri is no longer talking about everything to do These are the resources we have available to fix it
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