Dragon Ball is a manganime franchise that accumulate crossovers non-stop, either with the DC factory comics, or with one of the friendliest SpongeBob characters. In a somewhat more veiled reference, a fan has adapted the protagonists Ed, Edd and Eddy from Cartoon Network to the Toriyama universe and his work as Dragon Ball's "thief" baddies
Below you will see this fan art that shares Myriad_Pronto_Art on Reddit and who reinvents these three such rogue characters from the famous Cartoon Network series (although it is not well known in Spain). The truth is that we are not surprised that the artist wanted to give them a criminal appearance, because he was dedicated to swindle people to get knick-knacks and other things.
What do you think of these three juvenile delinquents transformed into Dragon Ball thieves in the style of Dragon Ball? Do we add them to the saga or are we left with the scammers who already exist in it?
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