Bethesda will soon close all user forums forever

Geralt of Sanctuary

Bethesda will soon close all user forums forever

Bethesda, close, forums, user

The days of the Bethesda forums are numbered. The days of the Bethesda forums are numbered.

Bethesda gave in one Blog post announced that the official forums on am 24. May close their gates forever. The shutdown will take place in stages in order to give users the opportunity to secure discussions.

So there is a grace period. We will inform you here about the planned dates.

That’s the schedule

The forum will be closed in several steps.

  • On May 24th, the first forums and categories will go into “read-only” mode. No new contributions or comments are possible here.
  • Now there is a grace period of 30 days, during which users can continue to read and archive all content in order to store it for the future.
  • On July 6th, Bethesda archives smaller, less-visited classes. From then on, these areas can no longer be reached.

By the way: Well-known journalists are currently arguing about the correct interpretation of the possible release date of Starfield:

Starfield: Release later than expected?


more on the subject

Starfield: Release later than expected?

What are the reasons?

The reason for the closure of the official forums can be found in the changing times. Bethesda states that discussions have changed over the years relocated to other platforms to have. The publisher now wants to adapt to this. Accordingly, Bethesda will in future make the room available on the official Discord channel and promise to communicate with players there.

You can find the official Discord channels here:

Bethesda also wants to show increased activity on Reddit in order to participate in the discussions there. If you have problems with games, such as bugs and crashes, you should use the official website make a support request.

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