In view of your many positive feedbacks, we were not the only ones appreciating the improbable return thanks to the Streets of Rage series, the favor of a fourth episode which took advantage of the combined talents of Lizard Cube, Guard Crush and DotEmu to revive one of the biggest beat'em all series in history.
see also: Double Dragon and six other beat'em all arrive on Switch and Xbox One
And as you know only too well in the unforgiving universe which is ours: a success is a success, and even if it occurs more than a quarter of a century after the last episode to date, the question of a suite is quickly invited into the discussion.
Suitable for a long maintenance of more than four hours (!) On the Twitch channel of MrQuarat, the developers of Streets of Rage 4 Cyrille Lagarigue and Jordi Asensio interviewed composer Olivier Derivire about the possibility of a sequel, which one could with a little daring call in advance Streets of Rage 5. Cautious and rinsed, the two Frenchmen do not display an eagerness immeasurably:
It's hard to think about it when the game was released a week ago. Anything is possible, there are always things to do, and we didn't say everything with Streets of Rage 4
Despite the kilo-ton of content offered by Streets of Rage 4, a spectator still wanted to know the intentions of the French regarding possible additions, including in terms of mechanics, as the possibilities of gameplay are unveiled day after day thanks to the genius of Internet users. If nothing immediate seems to be the order of the day, the team does not exclude any DLC
There is nothing planned for the moment in terms of DLC. We think about it, we have ideas since the beginning of development, but nothing is confirmed. We know what we want to do if we have to add new things, but we have to give ourselves time.
So here you are: if Guard Crush is still visibly under the elbow, they will first need to take advantage of the Streets of Rage 4 reserve reception before getting back in the saddle. By then, you will have time to finish the game in Mania mode. a will make you feet well.