From bow to advantage? Fan community split
There is a new item in Fortnite to divide the fan base. This means that each player can make a "wall attack" and monitor you through the wall. Unfair or OK? That's how fans see it.
New close-range mines in 12.10 allow you to see opponents through r / FortNiteBR's wall
In Fortnite, new nearby mines came into effect in the 12.10 update. Not only does it explode when there are enemies nearby, it also has another feature: if you have a mine, you can see the enemies near the wall through the marker.
As the report on Reddit shows, this reminds some fans of a situation where walls are hacked. These are unauthorized programs that players can use to gain an unfair visual advantage in Fortnite. There is a similar mistake in Fortnite, and opponents may accidentally see you across the wall. Now this is an essential part of the shooter.
However, many players cannot understand the negative reactions. After all, the distance from Thunder can already be heard at a long distance. In addition, the mine did only 50 damage and delayed explosion. Of course, this does not change the visibility through the walls. Since the radius is only a few steps away, you don't have to worry about being killed unfairly.