It doesn’t fit into any category and is a big problem for the developers of this MMORPG


It doesn’t fit into any category and is a big problem for the developers of this MMORPG

Big, category, developers, doesnt, Fit, MMORPG, problem

game news It doesn’t fit into any category and is a big problem for the developers of this MMORPG

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As of May 3rd, all WoW players have been able to join a cross-faction guild that unites the Horde and Alliance under one banner. All but one, which is a serious problem for Blizzard.

Interfaction guilds, the big novelty of WoW 10.1

On May 3rd, Blizzard released the first major content update for the expansion. kite flightthe ninth expansion of the most famous MMORPG of all time. This fix offers players a new play area, a new raid, new class sets, but also, and most importantly, the ability to create and join cross-faction guilds.

The idea behind this is that it is possible for anyone to join these types of guilds, regardless of the faction the players belong to, as long as they progress within the same community. However, there is one special case that Blizzard obviously didn’t think of. It is the player’s NeutralAgent.

It doesn't fit into any category and is a big problem for the developers of this MMORPG

The case of neutral players, an unanswered question

NeutralAgent is relatively famous in the World of Warcraft community for having managed the feat of reaching the max level without leaving the starting game area since the release of Mists of Pandaria in 2013 to DragonFlight. Its pandaren shaman has remained in Pandaria since its inception, and as such has not affiliated with any faction. In fact, NeutralAgent does not have the option to join a cross-faction guild.

On Twitter, the prospect asked Blizzard specifically about this topic. He states that tech support explained to him that neutral status is not considered a faction per se, but Blizzard lists this status as a faction.

It is currently unknown if the studio has responded to the player. Since no player is required to remain neutral in-game, with a few exceptions such as NeutralAgent, this issue is unlikely to be fixed in the future. But his case will at least have the merit of arousing the curiosity of the community!

A suggestion for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

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