News highlights of the week
This week, we and you pay special attention to the following topics: Porsche with Tesla engine, iPhone with Android 10, Shiny Movie Ticket, Shiny movie ticket, clean smartphone, new BMW logo-and so on in the newsletter!
Technology-your friends and helpers! If the police haven't booked the slogan themselves, many of the headlines this week will be perfectly combined with it. A bed for Japanese gamers can help you stay single. Android smartphones help to jailbreak iPhones. Tesla's electric motors have given life to the 68er Porsche. During these times, we will help you keep your cell phone viruses and bacteria free. Is it fun or not? This newsletter has not even started yet. Hope to clap your hands, Michael welcomes you to this week's technology exhibition.
table of Contents
Android 10 runs on the iPhone-but do you want it?
Tourists are allowed to go to the International Space Station
Perforated movie tickets help break the deadlock
This week is also very popular with you
Finally, how far can technology go?
Jokes of the week
I don't want to sound cynical-but coronaviruses are also good. Satellite images from the European Space Agency and NASA toured this week, revealing a significant reduction in nitrogen oxides released into the air, especially in China, as the government has blocked the entire region and condemned many House arrest. Deutschlandfunk warns that this is not so easy. On the one hand, the environment should not be confused with the climate. On the other hand, when the production of various commodities begins again, pollution can actually "make up".
Disinfecting your phone: Here's how to clean your smartphone display article Home remedy help Cleaning and disinfecting your phone is not difficult. We tell you what you need to do, how often you should do it, and what you need to be aware of.
Now, some of us pay more attention to hygiene, such as washing hands. This is definitely a good thing. As we all know, this is never the dumbest of all ideas. Since we have grown almost with smartphones, you should also do basic cleaning of an unnatural third hand from time to time. We looked at how you can make your smartphone go deeper into the pores in the linked article.
Android 10 runs on the iPhone-but do you want it?
Until recently, it was completely unthinkable that two events actually happened simultaneously. The developers of the development team have successfully installed Android 10 on the iPhone. Whether to see it remains to be seen. But this works! Regardless, Reddit users have managed to jailbreak his iPhone with Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact, arguably freeing it from all the constraints that Apple has always firmly held in his smartphone.
Maybe all of them may become important again. On the one hand, the release of the new iPhone seems a bit delayed. Corona again. On the other hand-maybe Android is becoming a serious choice for iPhone fans? After all, Apple recently announced quite unusual measures against the company. For example: advertising on iPhone via push notifications. No one wants. Only about the same as the 1968 Porsche 911 with a Tesla engine. OK-$ 20,000 in the trunk is not shown.
Tourists are allowed to go to the International Space Station
As early as next year, the SpaceX rocket is expected to take three tourists to the International Space Station [ISS]. According to the New York Times, one ticket has been sold, so two tickets are still available. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find how expensive such a flight is, but it is expected to cost about $ 55 million.
It's unclear whether the price includes NASA's estimated $ 35,000 per night fee. The whole trip takes ten days. Oh, this way, you will not wander around in flight and on the space station, and accidentally press any button, a watchdog will walk with you and will not leave you. For your next date, a short space trip may not be a big deal.
Perforated movie tickets help break the deadlock
It is more appropriate to visit the old movie theater. You may even be lucky to get this new ticket at the box office. Then you have something to say as an icebreaker.
But what use are these holes? It's simple: they are there so you won't annoy other movie viewers. This will avoid the awkward moments when you are dating you. You can find the exact contents of "Shiny Movie Tickets" here. By the way, this week we have already seen the upcoming blockbusters Chronicles of Kangaroo and Emma, and wrote corresponding comments. Tired of the cinema? Then, look at the list of movies starting with Disney +.
This week is also very popular with you
Finally, how far can technology go?
An interesting pilot project in Australia has ended and is now operational. As more and more accidents stem from the use of mobile phones, which is a tricky issue for the government, the government has begun a technical counterattack. At the edge of the road, trailers hanging behind the bushes are full of new cameras placed by the authorities. These cameras should not focus on the speed of the car.
Instead, cameras monitor whether the driver is busy with his smartphone while driving. Artificial intelligence can help cameras identify scum. People will then reconfirm these "strikes" before the notification is effectively thrown into the house. It has it all! Authorities have argued that since the penalties were imposed, the number of accidents has decreased significantly. The allegations soon spread on our Facebook page. Some people mentioned "surveillance country" and "big brother" because these cameras can also capture drivers who may be obeying the law. How do you feel about this? Email the newsletter team anytime at [email protected]. Have a nice weekend and stay healthy, no later than the next Friday!
Jokes of the week
"No matter how good you are-Bill Gates is better!
There are even more jokes on Netzwelt."
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