More than a month after its release, and although some may not have made it through the first biome and think it best to use their energy on unlikely excuses, Returnal is continuing to correct itself. Next download in a few days.
See also: TEST of Returnal: The PS5 exclusivity with a very strong flavor to come back to
Version 1.3.7 honored us with its presence on May 20th. This Monday, June 14th at 11:00 AM KST, Returnal will host its patch 1.4.0. And it will change, for the better.
Here are the detailed patch notes:
Important points
- Platinum: Support for playing certain trophies from Act 1 and 2 added
- Platinum: added support for retrospective award of trophies that cannot be repeated
- Platinum: Added additional slots for logs 9, 34, 35, and 46 to make them appear more frequently
- Platinum: Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented the Biome Investigation Trophy cipher from being obtainable
- Platinum: Fixed an issue where some activity cards were displaying an incorrect number
- User Interface: Descriptions for items are now hidden in the HUD when Selene fires a weapon
- User Interface: Fixed an issue where two actions could be mapped to a single button after changing controller preferences
- Cinematics: Fixed a rare audio sync issue in the secret end
- Audio: general improvements to the mix throughout the experience
- Audio: Enhanced surround sound setup support throughout the experience
- Audio: Add more haptics through cinematic moments for deeper immersion with DualSense
- Audio: Added haptics with DualSense when using the gripper
- Audio: improved dynamic range recommendation system
- Audio: Allow users to ignore dynamic range recommendations
- Audio: Allows users to change the audio output from the in-game menu
Game balance
- Balance: various bug fixes for certain artifacts, parasites, consumables and when certain malfunctions may occur in the early parts of the game
- Balance: Players no longer receive parasites as a reward for revenging their corpses
- Balance: Enemies, Weapons and Bosses – Difficulty adjustments in all biomes for a more balanced gaming experience
Various bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where Hyperion could drop the key out the door
- Fixed an issue where Ophion could become invisible if the player was using a Reconstructor during combat
- Fixed weapons not being found in scanned biomes but without collecting them
- Fixed an issue that allowed Selene to jump incredibly long distances
- Fixed several issues where Selene could get trapped in a room
- Fixed a rare freeze when teleporting in the Crimson Desert
- Fixed occasional drops in the frame rate when using the electropylon driver
- Performance improvements, crash fixes, and several minor bug fixes
There it is. The exclusive Housemarque PS5 has no backup system and has to put the good runs in standby mode. It must be ensured that automatic updates are disabled before the fateful date. Otherwise, bye. And you don’t want to know about it.