SuperData is analyzing wide digital video game sales and has now released data for March 2020. Because of the Corona crisis, gamble is like there is no tomorrow.
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The exit restrictions due to COVID-19 had a significant impact in March. Player spending on digital games has reached a new record, and digital sales of premium games for PC and consoles have also increased massively. According to SuperData, $ 10 billion has been spent on video games in digital stores worldwide, more than ever before, naturally benefiting from the fact that game shops are largely closed due to exit restrictions.
Premium console games saw a 64 percent increase from February to $ 1.5 billion, and the PC sector also saw 56 percent growth in digital sales to $ 567 million. There is also a clear upward trend in mobile games, with Pokémon Go alone earning $ 111 million in March.
One of the most successful titles is of course Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The switch title sold over 5 million copies in March, making Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 the crown in most digital sales within a month. Activision can console itself that Call of Duty: Warzone continues to go through the roof and reached 62.7 million players in March.
Other successful titles are Doom Eternal, which went digitally over 3 million times in March via the virtual counter. Half-Life: Alyx did not sell nearly as much, but still did a good job in the VR area with 860,000 copies, especially when you consider that at the end of 2019 only 4 million PC-compatible VR headsets were in circulation.
Rosy times also for the German games market, like game, the association of the German games industry, reports. Overall, sales of game hardware and software rose by 6 percent to around 6.2 billion euros. Game hardware sales, which include consoles, gaming PCs and accessories, decreased 2 percent year over year to EUR 2.4 billion. In contrast, the market for game software grew by 11 percent: In 2019, a total of around 3.9 billion euros was spent on computer and video games and the fees for corresponding online services.