The Kinoka Nasu Fate series, now a multi-billion dollar multimedia franchise, began modestly with 2004’s Fate/Stay Night. Like his previous work, Tsukihime, Nasu’s visual novel never made it outside of Japan. But like Tsukihime and its prequel Mahoutsukai no Yoru, FSN, as it’s often abbreviated, will soon find its way to the West: translated, remastered, and on the Switch. Announced earlier this year with a 2024 release date, Fate/Stay Night Remastered will be based on the Realta Nua version of the game, a re-release (again exclusive to Japan) that has removed adult content and improved other parts of the experience.
In the fictional city of Fuyuki, the ritual of the Holy Grail War brings mages and ancient heroes together to battle for the chance to see their wishes come true. Seven mages known as the Masters call upon seven heroes of legend and myth known as the Servants to fight for the ultimate prize. Shirou Emiya, an ordinary high school student who wants to be a hero of justice, finds himself embroiled in the Fifth Holy Grail War when he accidentally summons a Saber-class servant, the strongest of them all. and he has no choice but to fight his whole life so that the Holy Grail does not fall into the wrong hands. Three completely different routes. Fate, Unlimited Blade Works, and Heaven’s Feel describe the dangers and despair that accompany heroism, but also the lasting bonds that can be forged between Shirou and those he encounters through his noble struggle.
Visual novel connoisseurs can look forward to playing one of the genre’s pioneers themselves, and anime fans can delve deeper into the source material to see what they missed. No final release date has been announced yet, but we’ll let you know as soon as the news breaks.
Thanks to Robin for sending the news tip!