One of the most characteristic and defining elements of a console generation is its interface. This is also called UI and which generally accompanies us throughout all the years that a machine lasts on the market. Otherwise, close your eyes and remember what these menus and functions looked like on PSX, PS2, PS3, PS4 and, now, the current one. PS5. Which is going to change.
Do not be afraid, because it is obvious that Sony has not gone crazy and is not going to take all these elements that characterize PS5 and that will change them. For nothing. The aim is to further refine the information and personalization functions, which are currently quite limited compared to what many users would like to be able to do.
PS5 interface changes
The person responsible for showing us all these future developments was a youtuber which specializes, among other subjects, in those improvements which Sony usually included in your console. Plus, it usually reveals these changes well before the Japanese put them into the machine, so it’s a good sensor to give us an idea of anything that’s going to happen.
And now he has predicted a whole series of changes in the console interface that will affect issues such as the ability to quickly change the background image, the wallpaper of a life, or that information on trophies is visible practically at a glance in the exploration tab of the console, storage that we have occupied and available on the console or the battery charge level of the DualSense and headphones.
Another function, as you can see in the video thumbnail you have just above, is the appearance of a series of widgets that we can move and place at will in this exploration tab on PS5, in order to always have at hand – or rather in sight – the information that interests us most, not only on peripherals but also on games video or notable news from PlayStation Store.
When will these changes take place?
For the moment, as shown by the information revealed by Mysticalwe know a lot about this interface update. PS5 but almost nothing at the moment. In other words, there is no date for Sony release all these updates, so we will have to wait a little longer. As you know, the Japanese tend to focus a lot on the modifications they make to the console and in this case the modifications they plan to make seem quite similar.
In this way, PS5 would look a little more like ecosystems such as mobile phones, where information is organized through widgets that we can choose when and how to see them, to always keep in mind the relevant information about the storage and the state of the devices connected to the set. So soon… no more.