April 1, Crossing the Animals: New Horizons find a refreshing island: Now there are cherry blossoms! Eggs! Zipper! All these good things, depending on who you ask. But the April update did something sad. It has broken the self-created tarantula island, allowing the player to collect lots of spiders – one of the most expensive bugs in the game. (8,000 bells! 1.5 times when you sell on Flick.)
Prior to the update, you can create your own tarantula island by clearing multiple Mystery Island Tour islands. You remove the flowers, cut down the trees, and break open the rocks; the idea is to get rid of a lot of rotten stuff Animal Crossing: New Horizons & # 39;
The emergence of giant water bugs – you guessed it – in the water. It is more annoying to clear than the short pears that live on the island's rocks, because they are hard to catch. You can just stand on your breasts and they disperse. Water bugs will never appear even if you run out of em. Guarantees may arise, but they are less likely.
To test it out, I cleared the island and was able to fill my inventory with water bugs without seeing a single tarantula. Others on Twitter they reported same thing. It's not a total loss, though. The water bugs do not sell for nearly 2,000 Bell – but for the price I caught, I managed to put in a good pen.
The good news is that there is still opportunity to take advantage of it and tarantula island, which does not require you to spend space: Tarantulas will simply pop up there. As far as you get, there are plenty of water bugs in your future.
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