It is important to analyze ga mes very carefully. Games are art and we need to hold them accountable for everything they contain. So please understand how important I am when I say that Tonberry is the most delicious thing in the world.
Tonberry (Tonicus Berricus) is one of the most popular enemies The last thought Franchise. It starts to appear inside Final thought V at Super Famicom, these little embalming men have been torturing players for almost thirty years. They are small, green, with knives. Because they have faster speeds and shiny eyes, don't think they're dangerous. You'll be wrong. The berries are as if the snails had katanas. Of course like pugs with machine guns. With geriatrics with bombs. They will kill you and you will die. If I were a boring person, I would explain to you that the juxtaposition of lethity and goomba-esque design is crucial to their comedic power. That would be verbal and stupid when I just had to say: "Look at this little gremlin."
I don't know who built Tonberry but they need a million dollars. That is not a lot of money but I will let it in this one special case. The berries are high. There is nothing funny. You can show me all the Buster Keaton printers in the world, point me to Mark Twain's brilliant writing, or emphasize that someone like Weird Al had a funny song or two. Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Mitch Hedberg? God rested all but I could never laugh harder than when I saw Tonberry. Always, of course, these neighboring artists leave me singing and crying. The last thing I will think of in my mind before the wound rod starts to creep in until I get into the big death secret is Tonberry. I will crack a smile that will hurt everyone in the room. They made such a statement as "you must have seen the souls of all his friends and family."
I'm telling you now. It was Tonberry.
If you don't believe me, believe me this is from The Final VII Remake. Tonberry's battle is not too difficult but you will be scared. The characters will gain KOd through a combination of powerful magic spells and a stabbing knife. It's a real outbreak. The Final VII RemakeThe combat system looks good and smooth but there is nothing against Tonberry. This is one time when the engine really breaks down but that's the point. It's like Sans Undertale says: "You're going to have a bad time."
Except it's not much different. Because Tonberries are the best The last thought the beast. I fought in the comments; you bring your post once or all in a hurry. I don't give a dinner. Chocobos? Candle? Thumbs up. You may not like it, but this is what the top performance looks like.