Kaiju. Japanese game shows. PAtton Oswalt to get a hit. Indeed, this short film has it all.
Directed and written by Michael Giacchino, composer behind films like Doctor Strange, Rogue One: The Story of War
This, of course, is a whole ton of fun. It's made a clear love of Japanese gaming and humiliating Patton Oswalt, Giacchino's film and works as a kind of ersatz tribute to kaiju flicks, as Patton & # 39; s silly arc depicts the nature of the story provided by, say, Godzilla in some of his films. It's not much more realistic, even in bright colors.
While Giacchino is best known as a composer, he clearly has some guiding qualities and a throw pillow. Hopefully, We see a lot from him, even though they are more shorts like this.
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