The early arrival of Sonic Origins to the market will generate a bittersweet taste to the public, Well, it was recently confirmed that the games included in the collection will no longer be available to be sold separately.with certain exceptions.
Until now we knew some information about Sonic Origins. For example, that it would be released on June 23 for platforms such as PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, Nintendo Switch and PC. In addition, the list of the four games that it would bring was known: Sonic The Hedgehog
However, a statement Sega indicates that the company will withdraw the digital versions of the aforementioned games from any store where they are present. The reason is obvious: he wants people to buy the entire collection instead of buying game by game.
This does not mean that games that were purchased separately before the release of Sonic Origins stop working. They just won’t be available in any store anymore.
There are some exceptions in front of this announcement. For example, Sonic the Hedgehog 1 y Sonic the Hedgehog 2 will be achieved through Sega Ages of Nintendo Switch. The latter will also be available at Sega Genesis from Nintendo Switch Online.
It is not yet known if the decision to remove the sale of the games separately is only during the launch window of Sonic Origins
Fuente: Game Press