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Team Ninja kicks off its anniversary celebration with Ninja Gaiden 4

Team Ninja kicks off its anniversary celebration with Ninja Gaiden 4

Subscribe to Nintendo life on YouTube794k Update [Fri 24th Jan 2025, 12:55am]: Following the recent news earlier this month of Koei Tecmo Team Ninja celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2025, Ninja Gaiden 4 it is now officially published. It is a collaboration between Team Ninja and Bayonetta developer PlatinumGames, and will be published by Xbox ...


Team Ninja is gearing up for its 30th anniversary

Team Ninja is gearing up for its 30th anniversary

@Jack_Goetz Nioh 2 and Dead or Alive 5 are well regarded, and Ninja Gaiden: Ragebound also looks like a very good game. They also did Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty which was a lot of fun and Rise of the Ronin was pretty good too. It was a bit difficult, but they got back on their ...


What would be the ideal way to play DS games on 'Switch 2'?

What would be the ideal way to play DS games on 'Switch 2'?

Image: Nintendo Life The Nintendo DS turned 20 this week. Of course, such an anniversary prompted us to think about the unstoppable flow of time wonderful dual-screen again, and more than a few of us dusted off our old clamshells to take a quick look at some of our favorites. But being the needy gamers ...


What are you playing this weekend? (November 23)

What are you playing this weekend? (November 23)

Ollie Reynolds, staff writer I never expected to be so engrossed in a remake of a late 80's RPG, but gosh, Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake might take a spot on my GOTY shortlist for 2024. It's beautiful. So yeah, I'll be playing it pretty heavily this weekend. I will also try to make a ...


Capcom says it will continue to develop the Ace Attorney series

Capcom says it will continue to develop the Ace Attorney series

Image: Capcom Ace Attorney fans worried about the series being abandoned can seemingly relax, with Capcom allaying any concerns recently in a recent interview. Speaking to Netlab, Capcom’s Kenichi Hashimoto mentioned that the Japanese developer and publisher “will not stop” producing Ace Attorney content. There are apparently many “directions” the team is looking at in ...


Box Art Brawl – Duel: Contra 4

Box Art Brawl – Duel: Contra 4

Be sure to cast your votes in the poll below; but first, let’s look at the box designs themselves. North America Picture: Konami / Launch Box We love the composition with the North American variant of Contre 4. The logo looks fantastic at the top, with protagonists Bill Rizer and Lance Bean striking a fantastic ...


What are you playing this weekend? (September 14)

What are you playing this weekend? (September 14)

I finally collected all the memories (tears, geoglyphs) into Tears of the Kingdom. And now I’m in the desert getting ready to beat the game for only the second time. It’s amazing that the game is 1.5 years old and there’s still so much I haven’t done in it!I’m also quite surprised at how good ...


Castlevania Dominus Collection physical pre-orders are now open

Castlevania Dominus Collection physical pre-orders are now open

Image: Konami Limited Run Games has announced that pre-orders for the Castlevania Dominus Collection are now open if you’re looking for a physical edition of Konami’s latest compilation. Similar to previous editions of Castlevania, the options here include Standard Edition, Classic Edition, and Ultimate Edition. The first one will cost a reasonable amount $34.99Classic more ...