Articles for tag: app, flexible, Prices, store


App Store prices become much more flexible

App Store prices become much more flexible

The App Store is one of the most successful services, but at the same time it has received more pressure from developers, other companies and administrations. And it is precisely the result of an agreement between the developers (resulting from a trial) which Apple is launching a new pricing system in this App Store today. ...


Twinkly Dots, the new fully flexible LED strip

Twinkly Dots, the new fully flexible LED strip

We analyze the new Twinkly LED strip, with a Total length of 10 meters, RGB colors, HomeKit compatibilityAlexa and Google Assistant and full flexibility to fit any design you can think of. A LED ribbon different from what we know There are many LED strips, although we limit the search by adding compatibility with home ...


Apple patent is a flexible battery for future wrapping devices

Apple patent is a flexible battery for future wrapping devices

As I read these stories I remembered one thing. In the race to conquer the space of being americans and Russia decades ago, US engineers invented the ink pen to enable astronomers to write without gravity. The Russians simply use a pencil to solve the problem. Now we see that Apple has released a convenient ...


Nintendo will be flexible with its way of making announcements now that the next video game events could be canceled – iGamesNews

Nintendo will be flexible with its way of making announcements now that the next video game events could be canceled – iGamesNews

Unfortunately the cancellation of E3 2020 has been inevitable due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus in multiple territories around the world. This has generated a great debate in the communities and the companies have decided to speak out to express their support for this decision, including Nintendo. However, the company knows that its ...