With a trailer that evokes both There and The History of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, 5 Deep Silver and Australian Studios have been announced Windbound for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One. Starts Aug. 28.
In the play, a young warrior cleans the beach on the Forbidden Island, where he learns art, hunting, adapting and surviving. The accompanying release features a "sea voyage experience," in gameplay, and a process-driven world with a host of wildlife.
Scattered across the islands are the ruins of their secrets that will reveal lore in the background Windbound. The living promises the players that they will be able to “explore as far as the eye sees,” in a boat that can be designed to fit their needs and way of playing.
5 Lives Studios is the developer behind 2015 & # 39; s Satellite Ruler, a successful spiritualist in the Syndicate series. (5 Live employees & # 39; including alumni of that agreement.)
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