The Rings of Power: Arondir’s Origins – Beleriand is more important than you think!

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The Rings of Power: Arondir’s Origins – Beleriand is more important than you think!

Arondirs, Beleriand, important, Origins, power, Rings

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Background

“The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” reveals Arondir’s homeland in Episode 4. Beleriand was an important site in the First Age and shares a tragic end with Númenor. Netzwelt reveals more about this.

The Lord of the Rings - The Rings of Power

The Lord of the Rings – The Rings of Power (Source: Amazon Prime Video)

  • “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” remains exciting even for Tolkien connoisseurs.
  • Not only The Stranger or Halbrand pose riddles, little is known about Arondir either.
  • That changed now in Episode 4, because we now know Arondir’s homeland and it played an important role in the fight against Morgoth.

The Lord of the Rings – The Rings of Power: Watch Now

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A new character created specifically for The Rings of Power, Arondir is surrounded by numerous mysteries. In Episode 4 of the Prime Video series, the elf reveals a little more about his past, more precisely about his origins. Arondir hails from Beleriand, a land we won’t see in The Rings of Power but played a crucial role in the First Age.

Beleriand lay to the west of Middle-earth, to the east stretched the Ered Luin mountain range, from which several rivers flowed into the Gelion River. In the center of Beleriand was the realm of Doriath, inhabited by the Sindar Elves. The Elebenstadt Gondolin was also in Beleriand.

Humans, Drúedain, and Ents were also found in Beleriand, and when Morgoth grew strong, they all fought together against the Dark Lord.

Morgoth built his second stronghold, Angband, in northern Beleriand, from where orcs, dragons, and trolls plagued the people of Beleriand. The Easterlings, people from eastern Beleriand, joined with Morgoth and betrayed the other races. The fight against Morgoth seemed lost.

But Earendil, the father of Elrond and Elros, traveled to Valinor and there convinced the Valar to fight Morgoth as well. The Valar did succeed in tearing down Morgoth’s stronghold of Angband, but in the process Beleriand was destroyed and sank under the sea.

Only the elven kingdom of Lindon, which was separated from the rest of Beleriand by the Ered Luin, survived and existed in the later ages, but was then counted as part of Middle-earth.

Arondir should therefore be homeless and could have witnessed the fight against Morgoth himself. Due to the role Earendil played during the battle known as the “War of Wrath”, Arondir may well encounter Elrond as the series progresses, but it does tie their stories together in some way.

A flashback to the fall of Beleriand gave us “The Rings of Power” in the prologue of the first episode. There we saw the corpses of various elves floating in the water. However, there will hardly be more than this short scene to see, after all Númenor blooms the same fate and “The Rings of Power” will probably not show us several times how a place sinks into the sea. We may learn more about Arondir on September 23rd, when the 5th episode of “The Rings of Power” starts on Amazon Prime Video.

The Lord of the Rings: Evaluating the Rings of Power
Genre Drama, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
first airing


First broadcast in Germany


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network Amazon


Amazon Studios, New Line Cinema, Harper Collins Publishers, Tolkien Enterprises


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