Crossing the Animals: New Horizons both a good a game with it's bad a game, a threaten & # 39; our times, & # 39; and a dystopic to show by conditions of labor, even if you are employed working for a money hungry We don't smell god or your general manager. But more than hurting unnecessary insights into the game, Crossing the Animals is also a matter of creative genius, a graceful place filled with playground for lonely and lonely people.
Case in point: Earlier this month, Reddit user Kazoo-E uploaded a music video for Mariah Carey's entertainmentWe are Partners, ”Created using a game tool called Harv & # 39; s Island-a clear drawing feature where a The old photographer is inviting young citizens where they can add animals whatever they like. Tsoon his video gave birth to others, Ariana Grande & # 39; sThank you, next, "Britney Spear & # 39; sOops, I did it again, "D12 & # 39; s"My Band, "With Lady Gaga"bad Romance. ”
It takes a curious, once-a-generation mind to think something strange – the cuts, the use of in-game imagery to mimic Gaga's dance, a production almost like a beat design! Is my mind so broken that jerking, 720p villager—with small ball letters and a plastic bowl of hair—do you actually remind me of a working person? Possibly. (I played too Animal Crossing it's late, I think.)
Apparently, the kazoo-E music videos that didn't come out would be taxed more copies, like Youtube user Tracy Kennedy counterfeit
Animal Crossing Twitter, a scary place full of genius-like brains, has mimicked this trend, recreating scenes from Office and RuPaul race
Presently, while studying my different flower gardens, I wonder if I will ever pay back the $ 120,000 I owe Tom Nook for giving me a bedroom to sleep on. of the above wisdom, but I have made an altar where our citizens may worship the wild god that rules our island, and I pay him with blood when he wants it. That should count for something!