Articles for tag: Action Adventure, Bethesda, Bethesda Softworks, Change eShop, date, DoOM, DOOM Eternal, DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods - Part One, DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods - Part Two, E3 2019, Failure, FPS/Shooter, game, id software, leakage, leaked, news, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch 2, Oops, Panic Button, release, Rumors, Switch, Xbox Game Studios


What are you playing this weekend? (January 18)

What are you playing this weekend? (January 18)

Ollie Reynolds, staff writer I'm currently playing a rather intriguing game to review, so keep an eye out for that soon, but otherwise I'm currently knee-deep in Hello: reach A legendary campaign. A recent rumor regarding The Master Chief Collection Coming to the Switch 2 really got me in the mood to play the whole ...


House Of The Dead 2: The Remake is coming this spring

House Of The Dead 2: The Remake is coming this spring

Subscribe to Nintendo life on YouTube791k Forever Entertainment announced today that House of the Dead 2: Remake will finally be coming to Switch in the Spring 2025 — that's in just a few months! Originally announced with a 2019 remake of its predecessor, this one seemed like a long time coming. Moreover, aside from some ...


Random: Metroid Prime 4 'OG' Amazon pre-orders are being cancelled

Random: Metroid Prime 4 'OG' Amazon pre-orders are being cancelled

Image: Nintendo If you pre-ordered Metroid Prime 4 on Amazon years ago, you might want to check the status of your order. Amazon customers recently received emails confirming the cancellation of this item “due to lack of availability” and providing a refund. AND user on the Metroid subredditwho ordered the title in 2017 (along with ...


DoDonPachi SaiDaiOuJou review (Change eShop)

DoDonPachi SaiDaiOuJou review (Change eShop)

Recorded on Nintendo Switch (Handheld/Docked) He holds the Guinness World Record for “The most prolific Danish shooter developer” — faint praise seemingly entirely fabricated for their reception — Cave's five DonPachi the entries form major points in the company's evolution, from Toaplan-esque beginnings to a full-on, hellish renaissance. SaiDaiOuJou, the latest entry in the series ...


Star Fox 64 is finally coming to PC thanks to an unofficial port

Star Fox 64 is finally coming to PC thanks to an unofficial port

Image: Damien McFerran / Nintendo Life Fan team Port Authority has traded Hylian adventures for thrilling action in his new project 'Starlight' — a Star Fox 64 PC port available now (thanks, VGC). This isn't the team's first rodeo – which previously brought Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Super Mario 64 to PC – ...


What are you playing this weekend? (Christmas edition 2024)

What are you playing this weekend? (Christmas edition 2024)

Ollie Reynolds, staff writer I never want to belittle the incredible achievement that CD Projekt Red and Saber Interactive managed to bring The Witcher III to the Nintendo Switch, but when I fired it up recently for a new playthrough, I just couldn't deal with the visuals. It was nice in 2019, but not anymore. ...


What are you playing this weekend? (December 14)

What are you playing this weekend? (December 14)

Jim Norman, staff writer I'm so close to the end of Loco Motive I can almost smell it (gross). I'd really like to finish it this weekend before hopefully diving into Splatoon 3: Side Order before the year is out, BUT I have friends over so I'd be surprised if I played much more than ...


The Thing: Remastered Review (Change eShop)

The Thing: Remastered Review (Change eShop)

Recorded on Nintendo Switch (Handheld/Docked) Here's the thing about The Thing: Remastered; it's still very much 2002 Thing. Which is either a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how much you like your The Thing. See, 2002's The Thing, developed by Computer Artworks and based on Kurt Russell's intensely sexy film, Thing — ...