Desiny 2The spring season, Time for Good, is about to begin. But Dr. & # 39; s blog post cut & # 39; s director & # 39; s director & # 39; s offended the players.
Smith announced that the weapons would no longer remain inside Conclusion 2. Players will still be able to use and equip them, but older guns will not be able to support a standard Destiny player in perpetuity. Players may be afraid of losing their favorite guns, but it could end up being one of Bungie's clever tricks.
How do weapon systems work?
In Conclusion 2, players can install their weapons an infinite number of times. The process involves supplying a strong weapon to a number of weak weapon in numbers. A more powerful weapon disappears, then raising it weaker than its level of power. Using this system, players can continue using the same guns, year after year.
To The Director's Cut, Smith suggests reducing that ability. In the future, the weapons will have a Power cap. In the next nine to 15 months, players will not be able to raise their old guns above a certain limit. So if players pick up a 900 Power Power weapon in the Spring of 2020, they can use it and upgrade it until the power cord drops in 2021. But by the winter of 2021, the same weapon will never be able to reach that high level again, and players will need to move on to more heavy-duty rifles.
Hard change, but necessary
As a hardcore Destiny fan, I probably have guns Conclusion 2. But out of the hundreds, I use maybe 20. If I need a crispy sniper, I use Beloved. What about a assault rifle? I always endorse Blast Furnace. How about a can of hand? I have 10 different levels ofpage for every situation.
These weapons are all good, and I love using them. But I've been using Blast Furnace as my default firearm for over a year. Every time I equip it, it feels old. But as a player interested in completing metalwork, why can't I always have a better choice?
The fact is, I can use a lot of game weapons and work just as well as I currently work. But I haven't, because I don't have the right document yet, or maybe I'm free to use weapons I already know.
As a normal creature, I'll wear the same pants until I have enough holes in it that I can no longer go out into the community. With Destiny, so are firearms. I will use my Blast Furnace, my Spare ratings, and my favorite so far. My wife needs to take my iron pants off, and it's time for Bungie to remove some of my old guns.
With Smith's new program, I need to grow my arsenal if I want to compete. It gives me a reason to go out and get some new rolls of god, instead of banking a new gun right away, I won't use it again.
But most importantly, I don't throw away all the other guns I've worked hard for. I can still use them in situations where my Strength doesn't matter, such as Strikes, open world, and the most powerful Crucible playlist.
New hope for new guns
One thing Smith mentioned in his Cutting Director's failure was to create Legendaries with great power – like the beloved Fatebringer from the original Desiny – out of fear that players will use it again only forever. With this new system, Bungie could return to the good days of attack weapons by becoming one of the best in the game.
Smith remembers the loss of times at Destiny when the robbery was fun. When the players carried the weapon, they received a large roll, and made their night. I've been playing Destiny since Darkness Below, and I remember that same feeling for years. Conclusion 2 there was never a moment when the decline of the robbery felt really exciting – not the way it did when good things were hard to come by Desiny.
Everything Smith talks about in his post sounds promising and gives me hope for the future. Without limiting the weapons we can use, we cannot continue to chase new weapons. And without the spoiling chase, there is none Desiny.